QR-code anti-counterfeiting stamp

tem dùng mã qrcode

QR-code anti-counterfeiting stamp is an anti-counterfeiting stamp with built-in QR code. Currently, the most appreciated type of stamp for anti-counterfeiting effectiveness is the hologram stamp with integrated QR-code. This type of stamp requires modern production technology and especially QR-codes are very difficult to counterfeit, so it is possible to limit the act of counterfeiting anti-counterfeiting stamps. In addition, checking the QR-code anti-counterfeiting stamp to identify the real product is quite simple and easy to do for consumers.

QR-code anti-counterfeiting stamp

What is a QR-code anti-counterfeiting stamp?

In the face of the situation of counterfeit and counterfeit goods spreading on the market, causing confusion for consumers and serious damage to genuine businesses, measures in anti-counterfeiting activities to protect the brands of businesses need to be taken. enhanced by a variety of combinations. In which, the anti-counterfeiting stamping for products is a measure that can be implemented quickly, simply and inexpensively, but brings the highest efficiency to businesses.

However, the label is a very easy product to counterfeit, so the stamping of the product also becomes a failure in the face of counterfeiting. To overcome the situation of copying anti-counterfeit stamps, printing service units have chosen a solution to integrate the business’s QR-code into the stamp. That is the anti-counterfeiting QR code stamp

QR code, ie QR code, is a concept that is becoming more and more popular in life. QR code stands for Quick response code. Also known as matrix barcode (matrix – barcode) is a new generation of two-dimensional (2D) barcodes. This QR code contains information of the product such as the origin of the product, the manufacturer’s website, etc. This helps distinguish the real and the fake when scanning the QR code on the stamp. QR codes can be read by smart phones with specialized applications for scanning barcodes.

QR code anti-counterfeiting stamp is really a significant step forward of the printing industry in the fight against counterfeit products, protecting consumers and businesses.
In addition to integrating QR codes, stamp materials and designs also need to be manufactured using high technology to limit copying behavior. Currently hologram technology is said to be the most advanced for use in the production of anti-counterfeiting stamps.

QR-code Anti-counterfeiting stamp hologram

Anti-counterfeiting stamps, going through many stages of technological improvement, have increasingly beautiful designs and, most importantly, are very difficult to copy. Hologram technology is applied to the production of anti-counterfeit stamps, giving birth to a product line of hologram stamps, also known as 3D stamps, 7-color stamps, laser stamps.
The advantages of anti-counterfeiting hologram stamps are:

  • Hard to be counterfeited by requiring advanced laser printing techniques.
  • Stamps cannot be reused once removed from the object’s surface

 QR-code Anti-counterfeiting stamps with hologram printing technology, ie QR code hologram stamps, are really a product capable of overcoming the copying behavior of bad guys.

Benefits of QR-code anti-counterfeiting stamp

Anti-counterfeiting QR code stamps are very handy for consumers when they need to check to identify the real goods. Only with a smart phone device with a camera, we can scan the QR code on the stamp and see the manufacturer’s information. QR codes can also provide information about the product’s shelf life, warranty period, production batch number, etc. All this information is enough to confirm the product we are considering.

Thus, the QR-code anti-counterfeiting stamp is a sign of identifying real products, which is very necessary for all types of goods, especially common consumer products such as food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, clothing…

Today’s consumers are in dire need of protection of their rights as well as their health and safety against the wave of counterfeit goods. A product with an easy-to-use anti-counterfeiting stamp would be appreciated. This of course benefits the manufacturer.

The problem of counterfeit goods has not shown any signs of abating so far. Fighting this problem is not only the task of State agencies but also the responsibility of the community. For businesses, strengthening anti-counterfeiting measures to protect their own brands is more necessary and useful than relying on the legal system to handle counterfeiting. Therefore, businesses should use QR-code anti-counterfeiting stamps for all products when entering the distribution channel.