Printing anti-counterfeit labels (seven-color stamps) is the best suitable option to combat counterfeit goods, counterfeit goods flood the market at record levels.
The global value of counterfeit goods is now estimated at about $1.77 trillion.
A 2014 study conducted by the International Anti-Counterfeiting Alliance (IACC) valued Chinese counterfeit goods at $1.22 billion for the total value of goods violating IPR seized.
Counterfeit goods can also pose a serious risk
For designer handbags and sunglasses… It’s just the floating part of the iceberg.
Faulty packaging that has been tampered with can increase food-ing illness,
While beauty products and counterfeit cosmetics can also pose health risks.
According to Lori Campbell, operations director of The Label Printers.
The Department of Homeland Security seized $1.7 billion worth of counterfeit goods at the U.S. border.
Some of these counterfeit products include baby formula that has been poisoned, leading to the death of children over the past few years.
In addition, the pharmaceutical market is growing in 2010.
A U.N. report lists counterfeit drugs as the biggest concern when it comes to counterfeit goods and counterfeit goods.
Printing anti-counterfeit labels (seven-color stamps) plays an important role in the fight against counterfeiting and counterfeiting of products.
The original anti-counterfeit label printing method was to apply nanostructure technology that allows for the application of color security
Hologram label stamps are the world’s first security with color coordination structures.
Toppan Stamp Printing Company has developed a new hooly with color color coordination structure called security colors.
This was done thanks to the original production method of Toppan Stamp Printing Company
application by nanostructure technology.
The product was launched in January 2018
For use in preventing counterfeit and counterfeit goods
In areas such as medicines and pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, high-end brands and machinery parts.
SecureColor is the world’s first security hologram label (seven-color stamp) with a color combination structure.
This product uses a combination of nanostructure technology developed by Toppan-Printing.
Over the years with optical etching electron beams to control noise and scatter light.
Allows the production of a completely new three-dimensional type, in contrast to the usual rainbow hooly shape, which has a color coordination structure. This hooly image can be used to confirm authenticity with the naked eye.
– Because color color coordination structure can be seen when seen from the front.
– But the color disappears when the homing is tilted at a sharp angle.
– It can also be predicted to be highly effective in protecting the brand.
– Because the use of a production method is specially developed.
– Which means that creating counterfeit and counterfeit goods is difficult.
– Before selling widely on the market.
This new hooly image has been used experimentally to make the Japan Golf Association industry standard security label recommended for industry standard safety brands for fall 2017.
Context for the development of anti-counterfeit label printing (seven-color stamps)
In recent years, the coordination of counterfeit goods and counterfeit goods has expanded globally.
Related annual losses worldwide are believed to total about $1600 billion
printing anti-counterfeit labels in Hanoi
And forms of distribution are diversifying.
For businesses, measures against counterfeit products are a matter of urgency.
Due to the risk of decreased sales of authentic goods and loss of brand value due to the continued spread of counterfeit goods.
Anti-counterfeit label printing (seven-color stamp printing) is widely used as a counterfeiting prevention tool to address those needs.
At the same time, in addition to security needs, there is also the need to develop eye-catching, attractive three-dimensional shapes that can also be used as a sales promotion tool. Toppan Printing has now adopted its nan structure technology and developed an original production method to create the world’s first security hologram label (seven-color stamp) with a color combination structure.
In contrast to the usual hosal shape, the design can be clearly expressed due to the color mix.
printing anti-counterfeit labels in Hanoi
Homing allows for naked eye authentication because the color disappears when tilted at an angle.
The global market for reafolds continues to grow due to the enhanced functionality and further shrinking of devices such as smartphones and IoT devices.
The market is estimated to be worth about 50 trillion in 2018.
printing anti-counterfeit labels in Hanoi
In particular, in China, many manufacturers of narcotics are setting up production facilities.
Will create strong demand for advanced photomasks
And the demand for stable supply systems is based on domestic production.
Since the start of the photomask business, Toppan Printing has had a large presence in this field, boasting industry-leading technologies and supply capabilities.
In China, TPCS has started manufacturing and installing production equipment for 90nm photomask
contribute to help Toppan from maintaining the market’s leading market share.
Introducing advanced equipment for TPCS will now enable an integrated production system for both advanced products and existing standard products.
As well as replacing protective film, requires short production time.
World’s first anti-counterfeit label stamp (seven-color stamp printing) with color coordination structure
A production method by which nan structure technology is used to control noise and light scattering
Has allowed the world’s first secure hologram label with a color mixing structure.
In total there are six color variations: blue, cyan, yellow, orange, bright red and white.
anti-counterfeit label printing in Ho Chi Minh City
Naked eye authentication
It is possible to confirm the authenticity with the naked eye as attractive colors are visible when the hooly figure seen from the front disappears when tilted at an angle.
Difficult to forge or imitate
This three-dimensional shape can be expected to reduce damage and losses caused by counterfeits and counterfeit goods
because it requires a secret production method developed by Toppan Printing Company.
anti-counterfeit label printing in Ho Chi Minh City